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In addition to Father’s Day, June also celebrates Men’s Health Month; the intention is to promote awareness of preventable male health issues, early detection, and treatment. Activities during the month that support this effort include health fairs and screenings. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has dampened many of these activities for this year. Nonetheless, men are reminded to get regular medical exams and to know the age and ethnic risk factors that may affect their health.

Although health was not a significant concern for men fifty years ago, the last few decades have seen a gradual shift to a universal recognition that male health issues are worthy of attention. Today, most men understand the benefits of frequent exercise, a nutritional diet, regular physical check-ups by a physician and a dentist, and avoiding smoking and excessive drinking. These factors are especially important for older men in retirement when it is easy to become comfortable in complacency in a recliner. Self-care should make up an essential part of a lifestyle that keeps bodies and minds vigorous. Be a healthcare advocate for yourself.

The heightened focus on self-advocacy and the internet’s research capability has resulted in a better understanding of how the human body works, test results, and the purpose and effects of medication. Complicated insurance plans and the rising cost of healthcare, in general, compel patients to be proactive about seeking medical care and to be more knowledgeable about preventive measures to ward off illness.

People currently exercise greater control over their bodies than ever before, believing that medical care is a team effort. Patients are no longer passive recipients of diagnoses, prescriptions, and procedures. Before making a doctor’s appointment, most self-advocates gather the relevant information and have a list of questions ready for their visit. If you have the right doctor, the visit becomes a two-way conversation, and a steady rise in patient empowerment has resulted in more doctor/patient collaboration to decide on treatment options.

Not only do those who practice self-advocacy benefit, but their healthcare providers benefit as well. Communication between doctor and patient is more interactive when a patient is versed and capable of discussing medical concerns, making the encounters more satisfying to both parties.

June 19th, the Friday before Father’s Day, is Wear BLUE day. Many businesses and philanthropic organizations sponsor fundraisers to raise money in support of a variety of chronic illnesses.

Let’s wear something blue to support men’s health!



– Joe from Arizona, a FAR customer who is finding purpose in this new stage of his life.


* The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Finance of America Reverse (LLC)

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