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I have chosen to stay in my home since March 5th. I came back from getting my hair cut and heard the latest news.  I had no idea just how serious this was becoming.  But I actually had no place I needed to go.


I watched all the news, read the comments on Facebook, and I can feel my blood pressure gain a few points.


I am the Grandmother who some think is disposable. I resent that assumption.    There are situations that I might consider worthy of my demise, but an ugly virus isn’t going to be the reason.


My daughter/housemate put on the mask my niece created. It’s just one of the hundreds a group of sewers are busy making.  They will go to local hospitals.


My housemate stocked us up on groceries so we could hibernate for several weeks.  Another stop at the liquor store so we could weather this storm.


The only time I can recall when our country was facing a pandemic was polio. I was in grade school, and a girl down the street was stricken. Mother was sure it was peach fuzz on the skin; that could be an issue, so she washed and peeled every peach I could eat.


I had not been born when my father got caught in the flu epidemic when he was in the military in 1918 during World War I, but I’m sure there were precautions put in place.  But nothing like now.


We know the cause, they have the meds to diagnose and fight this, but not enough.  And not where they should be.


I will continue to live in semi-isolation, take precautionary measures, and look out my windows and walk around the yard to see all flowering bushes and shrubs.  I will wave at my neighbors, watch the birds at our feeder………… Spring is in the air.  We have no idea when it will be safe to leave our homes, but much mandatory work staff still show up to keep our towns and cities alive.  We are never really alone.


– Isobel from Hot Springs, Arkansas, a FAR customer who is finding purpose in this new stage of her life.


* The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Finance of America Reverse (LLC).

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