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A love of art has driven Steven to focus on what matters most to him and his wife.

After a successful career of practicing real estate and business law, Steven was beginning to feel a bit slighted that time was passing by so quickly, that he may not be able to do all the things he wanted to. At the age of 75, Steven had developed a new hobby in practicing art which was pulling at his heart while putting a new perspective on his priorities.

For over 50 years, both Steven and his wife have been art collectors and have raised two kids. As an art history major, his wife is also a photographer who has recently been invited by the Chinese government to exhibit her work. “I love being able to support my wife in her profession,” Steven explains, “but a couple of years ago I discovered my own passion for art, which takes a lot of time. My wife takes time, my law practice takes time, and my kids take time.”

Watch the full series here


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