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Bored at home? Here are some ideas
Staying inside is the best way to protect yourself from the coronavirus, but it can get boring after a few weeks. To break up the monotony, here are some suggestions for passing the time.   Reread your favorite book. It’s been sitting on the shelf for a couple of years,...
3 Reasons to consider reverse mortgage options now
It’s best to plan for retirement cash flow needs, and now is an ideal time for many homeowners to look at their options. In fact, those that believe that a reverse mortgage is a last resort may find that their options could be limited if they wait. Keep in mind, the reverse...
Nutritional Action Plan for Aging Well
While you are focused on staying healthy and avoiding the coronavirus right now, don't neglect the importance of your diet. In today's society, diet is synonymous with weight-loss. However, you should focus on the nutrients you need to keep your immune system performing at its best, staying resilient, and ward...
Tips for seniors to stay healthy this season
Everyone is at risk of contracting the coronavirus, but older adults, ages 60 and up, have a much higher risk of serious health issues. Try not to panic, you can take some basic precautions to protect your health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a set of guidelines to...
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