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I am a Widow… It’s Hard, but I’m Finding Purpose
I am a Widow… It's not an unusual situation for a woman in her 70's to experience. I'm not the first and I won't be the last, but every time it becomes a reality, it is painful. Two short years prior to this happening, we had moved to another community...
To Err is Human … the Rest is Magical
The boss makes a condescending comment. A jerk in a big SUV cuts you off. A best friend steals your girlfriend. A waitress ignores you. A coworker takes credit for your work. Your pulse picks up. Your mind races with progressively more unkind thoughts. You have been mistreated. You relive...
How Intergenerational Social Connectedness Impacts Your Health
Children are the bearers and promoters of our more noble human qualities. When we are with them we fluctuate between their unbridled optimism and our experiential skepticism; between boundless energy and growing fatigue; curiosity and experience; and innocence and wisdom. While the experience of being with children is not always...
Your Life as a Masterpiece
The Masai have a saying: Life is change. If we’re alive, we are indeed changing, and as we get older, that change is more likely to be unwelcome. Being the best we can be as we age, then, is doing all we can to prevent adverse things from happening, but...
Get Tips on How to Talk to Your Parents About Retirement
My parents are both in their late fifties; active, working, and relatively healthy. Together, their hard work and support has put myself and my two other siblings through college, paid for my brother’s wedding, and helped us with a loan to buy our first house for our growing family. They...
Falling in Love in Retirement
Retirement doesn’t just mean the end of your career, it can mean so much more. You may feel like it’s the end of one lifetime and the beginning of another.  Or you may feel uneasy about the transition and it seems more like you’re jumping off a cliff. However you...