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Chart a course for retirement
People are living longer than ever, and that has a tremendous impact on retirement planning; people have to plan on funding thirty-year or longer retirement periods. With so much potential time in retirement, planning becomes essential. You will need to build a financial cushion to have a comfortable and secure...
Have fun while making money
You finally have the time to pursue those passion projects that you’ve been putting off. While you’re doing what you love, you might as well see if you can make money at the same time. Whether you are doing the activity of choice or just interacting with like-minded hobbyists, you...
Retirement planning doesn’t happen on its own
Retirement these days is vastly different than when your parents retired. You can’t just work your career and rely on a built-in security blanket of a pension. Retirement planning doesn’t happen on its own; you need to start planning as soon as possible. Even if you are retired now, you...
How to Turn Your House into a Source of Sustainable Income
You’ve worked hard for your house and now it’s time to put that resource to work for you! This article identifies several companies and methods to make money around the house and create a sustainable source of income. Supplement Retirement Income with HomeSharing Today, the baby boomer generation is making...
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