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How to Build A Plan To Decide What’s Next For You
In the last four months, our personal and professional lives have changed in ways we could never imagine. The disruptions have been surreal, impacting how we go about our days and how we work. In a way, one of the positives has been that we can leverage much of the...
Home equity can help keep your retirement on track during a pandemic
Let's face it; times are changing. The economy and financial markets have faced challenges and increased volatility. In the past, financial planners recommended using home equity as a last resort and letting it appreciate over time. However, home equity should be a part of your long-term retirement plan. Here are...
Chart a course for retirement
People are living longer than ever, and that has a tremendous impact on retirement planning; people have to plan on funding thirty-year or longer retirement periods. With so much potential time in retirement, planning becomes essential. You will need to build a financial cushion to have a comfortable and secure...
Alleviate financial concerns in retirement
Do you feel like you fell behind in your retirement savings plan? You are not alone. According to a 2017 study by the Stanford Center on Longevity, 27% of baby boomers were just getting started or fell behind on saving for retirement, while 5% felt lost and confused about making...
Using a reverse mortgage as a financially savvy retirement planning tool
Today’s reverse mortgage can provide greater options and flexibility to your retirement plan.  These home equity loans were once viewed as a last resort for people age 62 and older to stay in their homes, but things have changed now that the retirement community is sitting on record levels of...
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