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Facing a Challenge
As we age, we are likely to encounter problems, everything from arthritis to cancer to heart disease. But facing a challenge does not mean you’ve failed. For example, getting cancer, or heart disease, or even cognitive impairment, doesn’t mean it’s your fault. It just means you must deal with it...
Changing Aging Stereotypes
Research repeatedly tells us that how we think about aging affects our health outcomes. If we view aging as being mostly about decline and disability, our health is more likely to suffer. However, if we see aging as a time of growth and potential, we experience better health. We’ve also...
Learn Green-Friendly Tips for Your Home which Translate into Big Savings
Protecting the planet is one of the best legacies we can leave for our grandchildren. Everyone knows that, but did you know that you can save money by doing so? Making some simple lifestyle changes and retrofits to your home can help save the planet and save money.   Skip...
I have a game, of sorts, I play with my grandchildren. When they are getting all wound up with excitement, out of the blue I will ask them, "What's the most important thing you will be doing today?" They smile because I have asked them this question many times over...
Never Act Your Age!
Dr. Ellen Langer, a Harvard University researcher, conducted a now famous study back in the late seventies. Using older men as subjects, she immersed them in an environment from twenty years earlier. Room trappings were from the fifties. Conversation about fifties-era topics was in the present tense. Recorded radio programs...
What Does Authentic Health Look Like to You?
Nobel Prize winning biophysicist, Max Delbruck, tells us that any living cell carries with it the experience of a billion years of experimentation by its ancestors. These ancestors gave us much more than a family tree. The very things that make us distinctly human were unknowingly tested and perfected by...