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Sail into Retirement
More and more retirees are foregoing rocking chairs for bosun’s chairs and sailing into the sunset.  Most people had to hustle and rush their whole lives – now it’s time to sit back and smell the roses… or the salty sea air, in this case. Picture spending a couple hours...
Finding Your Un-comfort Zone
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten," says the popular Tony Robbins. Is where you are right now exactly where you want to be, or is there more for you in this life? What do you want for yourself? That's not a rhetorical question....
The Warrior Within Us
The Art of War is a series of essays written over 2,400 years ago by Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. It has been referenced as a guide for how many now conduct themselves in business, sports or any competitive endeavor, and tucked within its pages on military strategy are gems...
What is an Age Friendly Town and How do you Live in One?
Age-friendly towns are places that provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to remain intellectually and physically active, socially connected, and engaged with life. Some characteristics of an age-friendly town include bike and walking trails, ease of transportation and accessible spaces, regardless of a person’s physical challenges. They...
You Have a Choice!
The cat's out of the bag and there's no going back. Your grandmother's belief that how she ages was primarily determined by genes and a little bit of luck, well, that belief has gone the way of the eight-track player. According to the MacArthur Foundation's 10-year study on aging, approximately...
The Pursuit of Happiness – STOP IT!
The “pursuit of happiness” is a term well known to us Americans as it is an iconic phrase in our Declaration of Independence. It is up there with Life and Liberty as the bedrock of our freedom. But, what exactly does it mean? Thomas Jefferson, and our other founding fathers,...