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Working past retirement? Join the club.
Baby boomers aren’t giving up their jobs — just yet. If you’re a baby boomer still working into your “retirement years,” you’re not alone.   According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of retirement-age workers has grown by 9 percent. And it’s a trend that will likely continue...
Be healthy. Be wealthy. And best of all, be happy.
Ten tips to make your retirement years the best — and happiest — of your life. Retirement is no longer a time to sit back, slow down and let the world race by. Today, retirement is seen as an opportunity to pursue the things we’ve always wanted to do. And,...
Why Women Endure More Financial Retirement Challenges than Men
There are a number of reasons why women have had a considerably harder time saving for retirement than men. According to a 2016 study by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), titled, “Shortchanged in Retirement, The Continuing Challenges to Women’s Financial Future,”1 two of the major reasons are: For...
3 Ways a Reverse Mortgage May be Able to Help Retired Women
Today’s retirees can face a variety of financial hurdles on the road to retirement, but for women in particular, the challenges can be greater. “While the need to adequately plan for retirement affects men and women, old and young, the female population stands to face the biggest uphill battle compared...
How a HECM May Help Retirement Shortfalls
Reaching a financially secure retirement in today’s economy can be challenging. Many couples imagined they could rely on their 401(K) savings and along with a spouse’s retirement portfolio, they hoped to be able to delay claiming Social Security until they can could maximize benefits. According to the Motley Fool’s columnist...
How to Potentially Protect Your Client’s Portfolio with a Reverse Mortgage
“Using reverse mortgages as portfolio buffers and emergency reserve funds will help protect against the premature eroding of portfolio assets because of poor timing.”1 There are many ways a reverse mortgage can be used as a practical way to benefit your clients’ portfolios. If used strategically, they can even see...