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Securing Retirement for Women with Vickie Elisa
Our goal at FAR is to make retirement work for more people. As a part of that, it's important to acknowledge different perspectives on the topic and contribute to a productive conversation around the challenges people face when planning for retirement.   Women face a different set of challenges when...
Great possibilities in retirement
Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.                                                     Betty Friedan     Ask someone what they want to do for...
Martin Scorsese still has “it”
Back in the '70s, when I was a warehouse worker and union shop steward, I remember going to see a double flick at the local second-run movie theater- a double feature for a buck and cheap popcorn.  Mostly these were B movies.  One of them was a movie I enjoyed,...
Bob Dylan is still “Bringing it all Back Home”
Bob Dylan never asked to be anointed the spokesman of a generation. However, during the early '60s, his songs inspired a lot of us and earned him the title. When he moved on from "folk" music to rock n' roll, bringing poetry to rock music's power, he left a lot...
Plaayy Balll! There will be a baseball season in 2020, sort of
In a recent blog post, I wrote about the return of team sports-when, how, where, etc. At the time, baseball’s return was uncertain - the players and owners were unable to reach an agreement on the amount of prorated salaries, the length of the season, and other issues. They never...
Clint Eastwood: Still Fluid at 90
Several months back, I wrote a blog about crystallized and fluid intelligence. Our life experiences and what we've learned from them during our lives form the basis for crystallized intelligence: we live, learn, and apply. Fluid intelligence is about two things: the ability to quickly process and respond to new...