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Plasticity – a key to overcoming Alzheimer’s
Not too long ago, I posted a blog about the Nuns Study, a brain science research project that studied nuns from the order of Notre Dame over several years. They administered annual cognitive exams of each subject, and when they died, examined their brains. One of the subjects, Sister Bernadette,...
My Father-in-Law
The seasons are passing one by one So gather moments while you may Collect the dreams you dream today Remember, will you remember The times of your life?                         Times of Your Life, Paul Anka   In the film Father of...
Meandering and serendipity
During the coronavirus lockdown, my wife and I have had time to reminisce about our past vacations. We have traveled to places of stunning beauty and have collected enduring memories.   We learned early on to let go of expectations. After some necessary planning for our trips, we let serendipity...
Be on the lookout for your EIP card
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent out nearly 4 million Economic Impact Payment (EIP) prepaid debit cards on May 27. The EIP card contains the money you are receiving as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The cards are sponsored by the Treasury...
Favorite TV shows from each decade
I admit it-over my life course I have watched way too much TV. However, in my defense, with the advent of premium channels and streaming services with the ability to binge, TV is about as good as it's going to get, which means I probably won't be watching less. Anyway,...
My favorite movie for each decade, from the ’50s to now
Well, here we go again. Recently, I wrote a blog discussing my favorite record album for each decade. Since I have quite a bit of time on my hands (sound familiar?), I'm at it again. This time, it's my favorite movie for each decade starting with the '50s (I'm almost...