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The freedom to choose
A love of art has driven Steven to focus on what matters most to him and his wife. After a successful career of practicing real estate and business law, Steven was beginning to feel a bit slighted that time was passing by so quickly, that he may not be able...
Crystallized and fluid intelligence – recalling memories and assessing new situations
The other day I had an appointment with my audiologist.  We discussed the fact that my hearing hasn’t changed-my hearing-aides enable me to hear everything. However, I have a lot of trouble with understanding all the words I hear, especially when the person speaking is not facing me, or they...
Baseball’s new generation of statistics
I watch sports a lot, probably too much, but I’m really interested. I follow the teams I love the good (the Yankees, the Portland Trail Blazers, the University of Oregon Ducks football plus men’s and women’s basketball), the bad (the New York Giants, the team closest to my heart, which...
Classic cars with front bench seats
One of the problems with getting older, is that it's harder to get in and out of our cars.   Most of us grew up with cars that had bench seats up front. It was much easier to slide behind the wheel and drive away. Today's cars all have bucket...
Overcoming Ageism (part 2)
To follow up with my last article on overcoming ageism, here are two additional real-life stories where I had to deal with and overcome ageism.   Ageism can go both ways During the spring of 2017, one of the courses I took in my Gerontology program was Ageism.  It was...
Blue Zones
Blue Zones is the single most interesting thing I learned about in the Gerontology program I just finished.   Beginning in 2005, Dan Buettner, an author, and explorer among other things, was working on a story for National Geographic on the secrets of a long life around the world. Through...