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Laying low
I hope I’m like all of you reading this post-I’m sheltering in place. I’m not bored so far. I have a lot I can do without my usual activities, and for those that I’ve had to suspend, I’m working on, or I’ve found substitutes. I’m lucky in the sense that...
Shelter in place
I have chosen to stay in my home since March 5th. I came back from getting my hair cut and heard the latest news.  I had no idea just how serious this was becoming.  But I actually had no place I needed to go.   I watched all the news,...
Adaptability and creativity
We human beings are very good at adapting to new situations, especially in critical times, such as the current one. Creativity is usually the key to adaptability.   State governments are imposing, for a good reason, limitations on human contact and movement. Stay-at-home mandates restrict our ability to stay connected,...
Bored at home? Here are some ideas
Staying inside is the best way to protect yourself from the coronavirus, but it can get boring after a few weeks. To break up the monotony, here are some suggestions for passing the time.   Reread your favorite book. It’s been sitting on the shelf for a couple of years,...
Chicken Dinner
The yard in the rear of our city apartment building was barely large enough to fit the shed that housed the building’s usually overflowing garbage cans. On three sides of the yard stood two other tall tenement buildings, forming a cavern that funneled the stench of garbage upward. On this...
Aging happens to everyone; make the best of it
There’s a book I read to my granddaughters a couple of years ago, and now they sometimes read it themselves.  It’s Just Aging is the story of a little girl in Hawaii who, in hanging out with her grandparents, learns about the aging process and how it’s a natural occurrence and...