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Homesharing Comes Full Circle
Thirty years ago, four single ladies shared their home on a TV show called The Golden Girls. Today, the baby boomer generation is making the idea of sharing your house with other senior roommates a reality. This is especially true for seniors who find themselves living alone and dealing with...
5 Ways A Reverse Mortgage Can Help Your Retirement
The reverse mortgage can be a powerful tool to improve your retirement income plan. It enables senior homeowners age 62 and older to access a portion of their home’s equity and turn it into tax-free cash. If you are committed to staying in your home, a reverse mortgage may be...
Your Life in Retirement
Retirement marks the end of a person's working career, but retirees in recent decades have radically redefined what it means to be retired. Today, retirees are often active in a variety of areas and may even pursue part- or full-time employment after leaving behind a career of many years. Whatever...
Do You Have Enough for Retirement? How to Stretch Your Retirement Savings
The baby-boom generation—adults born between 1946 and 1964—live longer than previous generations but save less. Simultaneously caring for parents and children, on top of paying for basic expenses, makes it difficult for many boomers to save. Mounting financial burdens leave many woefully unprepared for retirement. The Employee Benefit Research Institute...
Why More Financial Advisors Are Recommending Reverse Mortgages
Reverse mortgages have evolved since they were first introduced in 1961. Still, misconceptions persist about who they are for and who could benefit from this important financial tool. Some people incorrectly believe that reverse mortgages only apply to people with no other options, but that is incorrect. While it's true...
Rise of the Glamma.
Breaking stereotypes and embracing you.   Right about the time most of us get that first dreaded notification from AARP that we are now entering our “golden age”, the clock also starts on the path to grandparenthood. For most, this is a joyous time, it’s that time when we not...