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Sir Ridley Scott is still a Lord of both the Big and Small Screens
I love great science fiction movies, those that are heavier on the fiction than the science. I like them more when some mystery weaves into a film. So, two movies from way back are two of my all-time favorites: "Alien," the 1979 film that combined outer space travel with a...
Odetta: Rediscovery and An Appreciation
A couple of months ago, I read a short book review of Odetta A Life In Music And Protest. I hadn’t thought about Odetta for years. But I remembered how she was my favorite folksinger and next to Fats Domino, my favorite singer period until I was flattened by a steamroller...
Our Aging Bodies on Chocolate and Kale
I'm guessing you've never heard of Jeanne Louise Calment. I hadn't either until a couple of years ago when I learned about her in one of my aging studies classes. Jeanne Louise Calment was born on February 21, 1875. She died on August 4, 1997. Neither of those dates is...
Our Aging Brains on Music
Let me start with this: I listen to music a lot.  I had a ton of LPs that I gave to friends because we were moving to downsize. I have more than 1,000 compact discs on shelves in our garage no room in the house).   All of those CDs have...
There’s Still Time To Figure Out What’s Next For You
Last week, we had the honor of co-hosting a digital event with Jeff Tidwell and Carole McManus from Next For Me. During this exciting Facebook Live, the team at Next for Me shared a technique called “visual mapping” that helped viewers develop a fresh perspective on their retirement goals and...
Good fences, good neighbors
Robert Frost gets credit for the axiom that good fences make good neighbors. He wrote that during a more rural time of life, neighbors made sure their fences were secure, mainly to keep livestock in place and define property boundaries. I've been very fortunate to have good neighbors most of...